Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, 22 Mayıs 2008 de kurularak bir dünya üniversitesi olma yolunda ilk adımı atmıştır. Bilimin ve bilginin izinde, bilgiyi arayarak, öğrenerek, üreterek ve paylaşarak bölgenin ve ülkenin sorunlarıyla birlikte uluslararası toplumun da sorunlarını bir ışık gibi aydınlatmak amacıyla her geçen gün gelişerek yoluna devam etmektedir. Siz de bu gelişime ortak olun.

Bolu İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

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Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, one of the notewhorthy univesities in our country, located in an area surrounded by natural beauties between two metropolis İstanbul and Ankara, was founded on 3 July 1992. The university, which has been developing rapidly since its foundation, has campuses in the city centre and three districts of Bolu (Gerede, Mengen, Mudurnu). The main campus of the university, namely İzzet Baysal Campus, is located in Gölköy, which is 8 km from the city center and surrounded by a unique natural beauty.

The university comprises 16 faculties, 1 institutes, 1 schools, 8 vocational schools and 20 research centers. 1400+ faculty members and 1200+ administrative staff in the university are proud to provide a quality and modern educational setting for about 35000+ students.

Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University is a third model as not being purely a state or foundation university but a state university supported by a foundation. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University has been supported by the foundation founded by İzzet Baysal, one of the greatest philanthropists in Turkey. The university has reached an excellent physical structure and superior technologic infrastructure with the facilities and equipment investment amounting to 262 million TL as of 2010 funded by İzzet Baysal Foundation and the state allocation. The Foundation not only supports the international achievements of academics but also provides scholarship to successful students.

The university aims to become the most rapidly developing university to go beyond the modern civilization level as suggested by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of Republic of Turkey. To this end, the university, prioritizing science at international standards, attaches outmost importance to the national and local needs in training and education. The university not only provides a research environment that follows scientific developments and technologies with an international competetion capacity but also continuoulsy keeps up with the developments to ensure the best opportunities for students.By this way, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University has covered a lot of ground since it was founded and has been one of the fastest developing universities.